What KHN does for the hospitality industry

We help our members by lobbying, providing advice, information, and inspiration, and offering them financial benefits. This is what KHN does for the hospitality industry.

Our main priority is a good business climate. This starts with looking after the needs of our members: we lobby policymakers at local, national, and international levels to reduce financial burdens and unnecessary regulations for the hospitality industry. We keep our members informed about relevant laws affecting the hospitality industry and provide useful tools to help follow these laws.

As a hospitality business owner, you can contact us with questions about laws or management issues you are unable to resolve on your own. In addition, we can help you prepare for the future. We monitor market figures, developments, and new trends, so that we can inspire members to come up with new ideas and developments. We also encourage information sharing between businesses, as we can learn a lot from each other.

Besides protecting interests and providing personal advice, KHN has multiple deals with hospitality industry suppliers, such as Buma, Sena, energy providers and insurance companies. This allows KHN members to benefit from high discounts, allowing members with small to large businesses to save more money.

How can we help you?

Need help? Get help with your questions, learn more about our memberships or reach out to our KHN team via +31 348 489 489 or info@khn.nl