Terms and conditions membership Koninklijke Horeca Nederland

Our promotions and offers only apply to business memberships and not to personal memberships (‘KHN start and the ‘Friends of KHN memberships). Membership prices are per year. Payment of the membership fee is by direct debit, in one or six instalments.

When you are applying for a KHN membership, you will automatically become a member of the department where your business is located. Departments can charge their members their own local addition to the contribution. This local addition amounts to a maximum of €40 or 15% of the national association fee. The local addition is charged by the department itself; you will receive a separate invoice for this amount. This local addition to the contribution is used by the department to lobby for your interests at a local level. For the department, this local addition is an extra amount on top of the general contribution they receive from the national contribution. The money is -for example- used for organising a political tour, knowledge events, network meetings, workshops and inspiration sessions. For more information about the local addition to the contribution, please contact the board of your department.

You are not a member yet, but want some more information? Feel free to contact us at +31 348 489 489, without any obligation.

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